The Key to Releasing Heaven on Earth

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12 Video Lessons

Watch, listen, and learn as John Bevere shows you how to activate your faith.

Course Guide

A downloadable workbook that guides you through the course.

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It’s a word we hear all the time in church—yet for so many, the concept feels a bit illusive. Is it just believing really hard? Is it holding onto hope for the impossible? What if you struggle with doubt?
If faith as small as a mustard seed can move a mountain, then how come so many of us feel ineffective in our prayers? What, after all, is faith—and more importantly, how do we tap into it to live effectively as Christians?
We all have questions about faith, and this course will take you on a profound journey through Scripture to see what God has to say about this virtue. If you want to unlock deeper levels of faith so you can live more effectively and see God’s kingdom released around you in amazing ways, this course will help you get there. 

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John Bevere

John is an international speaker and best-selling author known for his bold and uncompromising approach to God’s Word. His resources have been translated into over 90 languages, and millions of copies have been sold worldwide. He is passionate about equipping people with life-transforming truth so they can live in their God-given potential and make an eternal impact on the world.

Global Discipleship

Your All-Access membership helps share these messages with believers around the world!

Any Browser

This course is fully device responsive—working beautifully on computers, tablets, and phones.

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Receive access to Faith and all other Messenger Courses with your monthly contribution of any amount!

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1. What Is Faith?

2. Why Is Faith Important?

3. Faith and God’s Promises

4. Faith and Answered Prayer

5. How to Get Faith

6. How to Release Your Faith (Part 1)

7. How to Release Your Faith (Part 2)

8. Increase Your Faith

9. The Testing of Your Faith

10. The Fight of Faith

11. Gospel Examples

12. Practical Counsel

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We want everyone to join, so you’ll get to choose an amount that works with your monthly budget. Your membership helps share these messages with believers around the world!



  • Unlimited access to all Messenger Courses, including Faith
  • Exclusive short films, sermons, and live events
  • Custom growth plans to transform your life
  • Private online community
  • Live support
  • Free shipping at the Messenger Store (US only)
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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does All-Access cost?

A: We want everyone to join, so you’ll get to choose an amount that works with your monthly budget. 

Q: What does my All-Access membership contribution go toward? 

When you join the All-Access Family, your membership helps helps us provide translated discipleship resources for free to millions of Christians in developing nations. So far, we've been able to give away over 30 million resources!

Q: On what devices can I use All-Access?

All-Access is fully device responsive—working beautifully on computers, tablets, and phones.

Q: Can I download the courses?

A: No, however all courses are available to stream online anywhere at any time.

Q: Can I buy this course without joining All-Access?

A: Yes, you can! Courses are available for sale in the Messenger Store.

Q: Are my credit/debit card details secure?

A: Yes, they are 100% secure. All payments are processed through our PCI-compliant payment processor. 

Q: What if I have a question or need support?

A: We are here to help. Check out the Help Center for answers to most questions, if you still have a question, contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you.


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